Senate President Pro-Tempore

Hon. Loren Legarda

Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda is a 4-term Senator and is the most senior Senator in the 19th Congress. She is also currently the UNDRR Global Champion for Resilience, the UNFCCC National Adaptation Plan Champion, Board Member of the Global Centre for Adaptation, former Commissioner of the Global Commission on Adaptation, and Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Ambassador for Parliaments. Her inspiring advocacy on environmental protection has earned her global recognition. She has been recognized as a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum and is a UNEP Laureate. Apart from these achievements, she is also the Global Ambassador for Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, and Environment of the Women Political Leaders. She is a champion for women’s and children’s rights and is a passionate advocate for the promotion of arts and culture.